Learnings for the eCommerce Analyst: Understanding Ecommerce Payment Strategies in SAP Hybris

Many of us working in the ecommerce domain especially managing a digital store front often have a high level view of how the payment gateway is setup for the store front if we are not working on the cart and checkout areas of the path to purchase.

I recently happened to be looking at the different Payment Card Industry [ for those of us comfortable with acronyms it stands for PCI] strategies available out of the box in SAP Hybris Commerce platform [Source: SAP Help Accelerator Payment Mock] and learnt a great deal of what goes in the back end and was motivated to share this information with my connections out there.

Every e-commerce site, especially B2C has to provide for payments by the customers to be processed using secure, compliant gateways along with a friendly and faster checkout interface.

SAP Hybris offers two types of payment mocks which can be configured to create payment subscriptions tokens that customers can use to pay for their orders: HOP [Hosted Order Page] and SOP [Silent Order Page].

A fact that’s very important and assuring is that customer’s sensitive payment data is not stored in the SAP Commerce system.

Both HOP and SOP style implementations result in the creation of a Subscription ID or token and then hold this subscription ID reference to a customer profile on the payment provider secure server thereby simplifying the PCI compliance process.

The SAP Commerce Cybersource extension and its related web services are used to handle payment for items in the shopping cart.

So how does the order processing customer journey look like for both these implementations:


Hosted on Page - Payment Processing


Silent on Page - Payment Processing

The key distinction between HOP and SOP is that SOP is hosted on the merchant’s server and the form layout can be completely controlled by the merchant.

Hope this article gives a brief insight to how payment strategies are implemented and motivates you to do further research on this topic.